Amy Jancewicz, PhD

Founder, LEO Agritech
Science and Business Strategist
Climate Solutions Advocate
Scientific Communicator

Amy supports the advancement of revolutionary early-stage technologies with an entrepreneurial mindset and an aptitude for both biological science and business. Leveraging training in both social and biological sciences, Amy has supported multiple high-tech startups in the USA and Canada with both public and private dilutive and non-dilutive funding and commercialization efforts.


Specializing in leading projects that bring together diverse skill sets to accomplish major goals, Amy's servant leadership and an emphasis on communicating technical science in a clear and compelling manner are key to her approach.


Amy lives in Vancouver, BC with her partner and their children. Outside work, Amy enjoys spending time outdoors with her family in the beautiful Pacific Northwest and is an avid runner.

Why LEO?

Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites, such as the Hubble Space Telescope and the International Space Station, complete more than 11 orbits around the Earth each day, providing a strategic vantage point for observation and coordination. 


Similarly, in the vast expanse of the entrepreneurial landscape, your startup navigates a dynamic orbit toward your goals, facing numerous revolutions in the journey and requiring essential support at critical junctures to attain your objectives.


Just as LEO satellites serve as a regrouping point for vessels destined for further reaches of space, LEO Agritech can provide your company with pivotal support to achieve significant milestones by offering clarity and strategic insight. 


By aligning with LEO AgriTech's expertise and resources, your startup can leverage a unique vantage point, confidently navigating challenges and achieving success in the ever-expanding space of agricultural technology and sustainability.

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